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English Elementary

Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

About «English Elementary»

The course “English Elementary” is for kazakh learners who already have English skills at Beginner level.

Course format

MOOC, Self-Paced

Each topic has:

  • Topic overview;
  • video lectures;
  • text materials;
  • additional materials;
  • quizzes, interactive tasks

Purpose of teaching the discipline

To teach practical knowledge of a foreign language in order to actively use it in everyday communication.

Objectives of teaching the discipline:

  • mastering a certain amount of language and ethno-cultural knowledge;
  • formation of skills of oral, written speech, reading and understanding of speech at the primary level;
  • implementation of humanization of the training of future specialists in the areas of educational programs.

Expected outcomes:

  • Become familiar with the course structure, different learning options, and overall course objectives;
  • Define and accurately use content-related vocabulary in course activities;
  • Identify word forms to expand your vocabulary;
  • Read, watch, and listen to a variety of texts and multimedia sources;
  • Demonstrate your understanding of these texts and key course ideas through comprehension check quizzes;
  • Have a basic understanding of English grammar. Improve your skills for everyday speaking or writing;
  • Tell the difference between simple present and past, modal verbs in course activities and games;
  • Use everyday conversations, social expressions, numbers, and polite requests for everyday English.

Achievement indicators

The conditions for successful completion of the course are:

  • Study of all materials (video, text, presentations).
  • Completing the tasks in the course (quizzes, tests, questions, assignments).


Prerequisite to the course: Beginner level of English language

Course authors

Course Staff Image #1

Indira Kalelova

Department: Center of Language Competences
Position:Senior Lecturer

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Bayandinova Nazgul

Department: Center of Language Competences

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Zhangerbayeva Anastasiya

Department Center for Educational Technology
Position:Senior Researcher, English Teacher

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Smagulova Zhadyra Alimbekovna

Department IT college, EKTU
Position:Lecturer of English

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Khokhlova Anastasiya

Department Center for Educational Technology
Position:Master of Information Technology

Course Certification

The course was checked by an expert committee to verify that it meets all the requirements according to the document "Стандарты по разработке курсов в Open edX ДП НАО «ВКТУ» 041-I-2022".